Written by Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong
I have read the preview of "My Story" written by Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong back from Popular bookstore, it only cost RM28.00 only, relatively cheap compared to other books I guess.
Do you know who is Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong? He was the founder of the Genting Group and one of the world’s richest men. He was ranked 204th on the Forbes 2007 list of billionaires worldwide and his life has always been seen as a classic “rags to riches” story.
This the preview from the book:
Parental Teachings in a traditional Chinese upbringing have taught me to be humble, polite and respectful to others. Those who know me know that I don’t put on airs. I can rub shoulders with tycoons and high officials; I can also get along fine with hawkers and manual workers.
When it comes to appointments, I have a habit of being punctual. Once I promise to meet someone, I always make it a point to arrive 10 minutes before the appointed time. To me, all appointments are important. I do not make excuses to cancel an appointment just because the other party is not an important person.
When I was young, I was shy, an introvert. By a kind twist of fate, just after leaving my native Anxi on a boat for Malaya the second time, I realized my handicap and made a conscious effort to overcome it. I reached out positively with friendliness and sincerity and won friends instantly. Since then, the same approach has never failed me in interacting with others.
I live a simple life with discipline. Habitually, I get up early but have no fixed time for going to bed. Sometimes, I stay up late going through documents or pondering some issues. Even in my sleep, I would wake up with some ideas and start making notes and drawing diagram.
I have a habit of carrying a piece of paper to record anything that comes to my mind. It also serves as my diary for appointments and things to do for the day. This way, I do not have to be reminded by others. Usually, on arrival at my office, I would take it out of my pocket and start assigning tasks orally or in writing. Upon completion of each task, I would strike it out one by one.
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